Friday, July 23, 2010

3 Months Old! I Can't Believe It!!

I just can't believe how much she is changing everyday. Sometimes I want her to stay just like she is. I am loving every minute of it and I don't want her to change too quickly. But, some days I can't wait for the next thing that she learns to do.

Yesterday, we went for Emily's 3 month check-up at the pediatricians. Everything was good except for her weight. Her height was almost 23 1/2 inches so she grew 1.75 inches since last months. This is a big difference from the previous month when she only grew half an inch. It places her about 50th percentile for growth. Her head is 50th too where it has been all along. Her weight was the biggest difference this month. She weighed 11 lbs. and 9 ozs. Last month she weighed in at 11 lbs. and 5 ozs. so she has only gained 4 ozs. We were hoping for at least a pound and a half. So she went from 75th percentile in weight last month to 40th this month. She is eating enough throughout the day so she should be gaining more than that. Her reflux has not abated any and we think this is the cause for her slow weight gain this month. We are going to try a different reflux medicine and we have to try and feed her an extra bottle each day. Not a full bottle, but a little extra at the end of the day to try and get a little more into her. We will see how her weight is at the next appointment. Lets hope these changes work!

Other than that she is great. The Pediatrician is happy with everything else and says she looks good.

Changes for this month... she is smiling and laughing a lot, she holds her own head up all the time, pulls her head up when laying down and looks around, pulls her body into a sitting position with her torso (although she can't hold it there :), has almost rolled over, sleeps from 9 pm til 6:30 am without waking up (well she wakes up at about 3:30 but just wants her binky and then goes back to sleep), and her apnea monitor has not gone off while she was sleeping for almost 4 weeks now. Her reflux is still bad though, as I already mentioned, and still makes her gasp and choke so we still have to keep a close eye on her.

All and all it's been a good month and I can't wait to see the changes she goes through in the month to come!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Colonial Williamsburg

We took a trip to Colonial Williamsburg yesterday. It was a much needed outing and we really enjoyed it. I had to stop the car a bunch of times on the way there and on the way back but we made it.

She really enjoyed being outside and it was a beautiful day to be out. It has
been so hot lately that the 85 or so degree weather felt so nice. We meet my Dad and Annie for dinner at Food for Thought and Emily actually let me eat!

On the way home we had a little bit of a scare though. She started ch
oking. It had been 3.5 to 4 hours since she had eaten and should have been fine, but she was choking. I slammed on the brakes and pulled to the side of the road. (Luckily we were on Route 60 instead of Interstate 64.) I got around the car to her in time to see clear liquid squirt out of her mouth and nose. Nothing has ever come out of her nose before and nothing coming out of her has ever been clear. She was still choking so I got her out of her car seat and had to hit her on the back to clear out her throat. Then she started screaming. The episode seemed to have hurt her throat or nose or both. It took a while to calm her back down, but she was ok.

When we got home the bib she was wearing was soaked through and the onesie underneath was very wet as well. I was very glad to be home. We had had a good time but not a good car ride.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Taking Trips

So, in the past two weeks we have been out of town twice with Emily. It has been interesting to say the least. Before Emily, we could get away with one bag for Nate and I combined and then a small bag for Bailey's food and her bowls. Not any more.

On June 25th and 26th we went to Madison County to go to a friend's wedding and see Nate's family. It took us half the day to pack up the bags and the car. Not only did we have our ONE bag and the small bag for Bailey, we had like 4 for Emily. One was for her apnea monitor, another for her bottles and breast pump and such, a third was a big diaper bag that had her clothes, diapers, blankets, burp clothes, etc. in it, and a fourth that was technically a smaller diaper bag for me to carry around once we got there. Oh, and we had to bring the wedge and sling that she sleeps on.

Even with all of that stuff we still had a lot of room in our little Honda Fit. Bailey was very happy with her new travel accommodations. She had always had the entire back seat (which is not but so big) in one of our two door cars before, but in the Fit we laid down one side of the back seat and she had tons of room, our stuff had plenty of room, and Emily was nice and content on her side of the car.

We had a good time at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, but neither of us slept much the night that we were there.

For the 4th of July Emily and I went to Portsmouth to see my mom. Nate had to drive us to Williamsburg to meet my mom and then Emily and I rode the rest of the way with her (because of her apnea). The first night, I only got about 3 hours of sleep. The second, I had to sleep with my hand hanging inside her bassinet and holding her pacifier in her mouth because that was the only way I could get her to stay asleep. She sleeps much better at home in her own bed.

None the less we had good times both weekends and have learned that we need to start packing about 3 days in advance if we want to get out of the door on time. :)