Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hey Jude...

Here is a video of Emily's sweet cousin, Jude. He is 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day younger than her.

Born: May 24, 2011
Time: 3:55 pm
Weight: 9lb 8oz
Height: 20.5 in

He is in the NICU and in the video you see him in an incubator, but, rest assured, he is doing well.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

1 Year Check-Up

I took Emily for her one year check-up today, even though she is closer to 13 months now. She, of course, is doing perfectly. She is tiny though. Her weight is 19 lb 3 oz (15th percentile) and her height is 28 1/8 in (15th percentile). Her big ole head, on the other hand, is a whopping 55th percentile. We can blame Nate for that. :)

Her doctor kept asking if she was doing this or that yet and I kept saying that she was or that she was doing even more than whatever it was she was asking about. She asked about words; Emily can say mama, dada, moo, hi, no, cat, and dog. Dr. Tull told me that she was about where a 15 month old would be! Yay Emily!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking Along

Here is a video of Emily walking. She has now been walking a little more everyday since her birthday. That was 9 days ago. She is getting pretty good at it!