Monday, October 25, 2010

6 Month Well Visit

Emily went for her 6 month appointment this morning and everything went very well. She now weighs 14 lb 10 oz (25 percentile), is 25 in long (25 percentile), and her head is 16 3/4 in around (50 percentile). Yes, she has a big ole head. :)
We can now also expand upon what she is eating as no allergies have shown up with the first foods! We are excited to try different things with her.
She received her first vaccine today, which I was nervous about. (You heard me right, her first vaccine. We decided to delay them and in some cases not give them at all.) I was waiting for her to start screaming and my heart to break. Thankfully that didn't happen, maybe because she only received one vaccine today. (She only received the DTaP today.) She did cry, but by the time she started it was over with and we were able to distract her really quickly. I am really happy with they way we have chosen to do the vaccines that we are doing. Only having one today definitely worked in our favor. Having a whole series of shots would not have been fun because this girl can scream when she wants to.
The rest of the day we kept thinking that she was going to have a bad day due to side effects of the shot, but it never happened; another thing that I think having only one shot versus a series of them helped with. So, her first shot is down and we all survived. Yeah!
Now if this darn tooth would finally pop through we would be all good. We can see it, but it is just hanging out right beneath the skin. Hopefully soon!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Six Months Old, Oh My!

Emily turn 6 yesterday, well, 6 months. :) We were planning on having a small get together at the house to celebrate, but I, unfortunately, became sick this past week so we had to cancel it. I was disappointed, but my mother came up to visit anyway. She brought lunch and we all sat down to eat.
Emily ate her food for the first time in her high chair, so that was new. Mom had never seen her eat solids yet so she got a big kick out of the high chair and watching her eat from a spoon. Emily has gotten so much better eating this way, but is still messy and has quite a ways to go. It's really cute though!
Mom also saw her sit independently for the first time. A couple of weeks ago when she visited Emily was still a supported sitter.
They ended their visit by going for a stroll around the neighborhood, which I think they both enjoyed.
Emily has her 6 month doctor's appointment tomorrow so be looking for a post with all the new numbers and doctor's comments.
The pictures in this post were photos that we had done last weekend when we were in Madison.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Johnny Jump Up (or whatever it's called)

My friend, Ashley, gave me this activity toy a couple of weeks ago and I just got around to using it with Emily today. It is the best thing ever. She loves it; I love it; all is good with the world! She gets to kick her feet and move around without me having to hold her all of the time. I don't know why I didn't try it earlier. She can spin around in all directions and watch me where ever I go. As long as she can see me she is in a good mood.

She is at the point now that she gets frustrated easily because she can't always get to wherever it is that she wants to go. She kicks her body around to try to crawl or move in some way but, it just isn't happening yet. Then the crying starts because she can't get whatever it is she is after. With this, she is just so happy to be moving, that she doesn't really worry about much else. Yeah!!

Here is a video of her having fun!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Sorry there have not been a lot of posts recently. We are doing a lot and keeping busy, but nothing really blog worthy. We have been to the park a couple of times and hung out in the back yard. She is learning about cold weather for the first time. (She does not like getting ready to go outside.) We went to my God-daughter's birthday party 2 weeks ago and then went to Averett's homecoming last weekend. Had fun at both events, but am definitely looking forward to this weekend when we get to say around home. Nate and I are also celebrating our 6 year anniversary since we haven't had the chance to do that yet. The actual day was October 2!

Oh, and here is the picture of her sitting that I promised!