Saturday, July 16, 2011

July Happenings

The pictures in the post are all from the 4th of July as they are currently the only pictures I have transferred to my computer from this month at this point. We had a great time at my mom's house. We took Emily to the little Children's Parade they held in Olde Town Portsmouth. The children got to decorate their bikes or stroller in Emily's case. They could get patriotic tattoos, which Emily did.
It rained in the afternoon so our cookout, became an indoor event, but it was still nice. We almost missed the fireworks, but made it just in time. (They decided to set them off early since more rain was headed our way.) Emily was fascinated by them and the bright colors. They sound didn't seem to bother her, but it did get her attention.
More recently, we took Emily to Madison to see their annual Fireman's Parade. She actually sat still for it. Now, she knew how to wave before this parade, but didn't do it very often. She watched so many people wave that she actually started waving back. Now she waves every time she sees a car go by! Oh, and her Grandpa taught her how to say truck :)

So far, it's been a great month!