Monday, January 31, 2011


Ok, here are some pictures from the last couple of months! Enjoy!! (Emily having fun on Christmas Day!)

(She decided she wanted the camera. Guess she didn't want anymore blackmail bath time pictures taken of her (: )
(Making a complete mess and having fun doing it!)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's Cruising Time

Emily started cruising this week. Now she is really into everything! For the few that may not know what cruising is, she is pulling herself up and walking around using furniture and other objects around the house to balance herself. She can now make it around the entire perimeter of our loft. She starts in one corner and uses the end table to pull herself up then starts moving towards the love seat. Then she is around the corner and on to the couch. Once she makes it to the end of that she turns the corner again and cruises along the pack and play to the other love seat we have. Then she gets upset because there is no where else for her to go after that. She is quick too and gets quicker everyday. Her balance is improving daily as well. Today she let go of the end table and, without wobbling, stood there for about 30 seconds before slowly putting her hands back on the end table.
She has not pushed anymore teeth through. She still looks like a little vampire. I keep trying to get a picture of her teeth right now, but she won't let me. She just throws a little fit every time I try.
She also made it through Nate's recent flu without catching it. We both lucked out there, but Nate pretty much quarantined himself in our bedroom in an effort to keep us from getting sick. It must have worked because we came through unscathed.

And now it's getting late. More updates soon! (Hopefully some pictures too!!)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thanksgiving and Christmas

Emily's first official Thanksgiving was in Madison this year. Nate's whole immediate family was there. We barely had enough room for everyone around the table! Most everyone pitched in and contributed to the food for the day. Emily had a blast getting so much attention from her uncles. She just loved them getting on the floor and playing with her!
Next up was Christmas which we held at our house this year. Unfortunately, I had a cold but we still had a good holiday. My mother came up on Christmas Eve and spent the night with us. She was there in the morning to have our traditional cinnamon buns for breakfast and to open presents with Emily.
Nate had to work but was allowed to go in late, so instead of having to be on duty by 6 am he had to mark on at 9 am. That let him be around for the present opening as well.
Nate's parents and brothers showed up a little after noon, and there were more presents to open. My mom left for my brother's house shortly after and my dad and his girlfriend, Annie, arrived around 4. And then there were more presents to open. Emily was completely spoiled! Who needs Santa when you have grandparents!!
Emily slept through the actual Christmas dinner, but was awake by the time we had dessert. Oh, and it snowed! It started in the afternoon but you really couldn't see it. In the evening it really started to come down, bit it actually snowed on Christmas! I don't think I have ever seen it snow on Christmas. Too bad Emily is too young to remember it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I know, I know...

Ok, so I know it has been over a month since I have posted an update. Sorry about that, but with Thanksgiving, having to put my sweet Bailey down, turning 30, and Christmas it just hasn't happened. I keep thinking that I need to and then my next thought is the pictures and videos that I want to post and I put it off. It's not hard but it takes some time.

So much has happened with Emily too. She is changing so much. For example, she is crawling forward now, she can pull herself up (sometimes just to her knees and sometimes all the way up to her feet), she likes walking around the room using my fingers to balance her, she is eating a few real foods, and she has cut two more teeth. They aren't the two that she was supposed to cut next according to everything I have read, but who says she has to do it like everyone else, right? Oh, and she now weights 16 lb 10oz.

I will post more details, pictures, and videos soon. And, I will try to be better about posting as things happen. ;)