Monday, September 20, 2010

She Sat!!!

She sat today! All by herself! After about 45 seconds she leaned to the side and over she went, but she still sat on her own, unsupported!! Of course, she wouldn't let me take a picture of her sitting, but hopefully soon I will capture it on camera. I will post a picture if I can get one. My soon to be 5 month old is growing up so quickly!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just Found

Just found this video on the camera. Emily was still in the hospital, so she was less than 2 weeks old here. She just kept staring at her daddy. I thought it was cute. Enjoy!


Just wanted to share what Emily looks like when attempting to eat. So far she likes carrots, doesn't seem to like peas. She actually opens up wanting the carrots. She still hasn't figured out how to eat them without sticking her tongue out over and over like a snake, but she seems to want them. The peas just got lots of funny faces. Banana's are next on the list to try.