Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Johnny Jump Up (or whatever it's called)

My friend, Ashley, gave me this activity toy a couple of weeks ago and I just got around to using it with Emily today. It is the best thing ever. She loves it; I love it; all is good with the world! She gets to kick her feet and move around without me having to hold her all of the time. I don't know why I didn't try it earlier. She can spin around in all directions and watch me where ever I go. As long as she can see me she is in a good mood.

She is at the point now that she gets frustrated easily because she can't always get to wherever it is that she wants to go. She kicks her body around to try to crawl or move in some way but, it just isn't happening yet. Then the crying starts because she can't get whatever it is she is after. With this, she is just so happy to be moving, that she doesn't really worry about much else. Yeah!!

Here is a video of her having fun!!

1 comment:

  1. She is amazing! One day maybe I'll meet this amazing child. :)
